Annual Strategic Planning Seminar - Pennsylvania
Investment: Guests: $185 + $30 speaker fee / TLC Members: $85 + $30 speaker fee ($20 more per person after September 25, 2024)
Our keynote speaker Friday night at 6pm
Dr Steve Cole - Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences in the UCLA School of Medicine. His research studies the biological pathways by which social environments influence gene expression by viral, cancer, and immune cell genomes.
He will be presenting on Social Genomics and Human Thriving

It is an honor to have a renowned researcher and scientist presenting at our ASP seminar. Our panel will delve into the subjects of:
 The greatest benefits of chiropractic care are improving mental health
 Factors that predispose people to be more susceptible to illness and chronic diseases- why do some people express more sickness than others is it the environment inside their bodies or environments around them?
 What the consequences of not living socially connected lives are
 Framing our environment- how we do that individually and collectively for the most optimal results
Guest speaker
Dr Curtis Fedorchuk from Health & Wellness Score presenting current research on the ongoing benefits of chiropractic care and the TLC practice research stats from this past year
Classes will be on:
 WHAT’S GREAT IN CHIROPRACTIC- the latest and greatest to grow your value in chiropractic care
 How to’s of new patients coming FROM you NOT TO YOU
 Daily tools for Growth
Best practice of social media
Being the rainmaker of new patients
Intensity through Discipline
High Productivity Actions with intensity for growth
TWO unique, fast paced, action packed promotion sessions:
1st Speed promotion break out sessions on expansion cycle energy building NEW ways to attract people and energy, 2025 planning TLC style with your team and calendars
2nd speed promotion sessions on digital ads and new ways to attract new patients through advertising tools, Getting out of the building with screenings / talks / events in creative ways, Branding your practice with visuals of and for your offices
To book room reservations: Online Booking Link

Please note: All double rooms are sold out.
There are still kings available.
Other hotel suggestions are listed below:

Alexander Inn
301 S 12th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
14 minute walk to venue (0.6 mile)

The Windsor Suites
1700 Benjamin Franklin Pkwy, Philadelphia, PA 19103
11 minute walk to venue (0.5 mile)

Sonder: The Witherspoon (apartment style)
130 S Juniper St, Philadelphia, PA 19107
9 minute walk to venue (0.4 mile)

Annual Strategic Planning Seminar - Pennsylvania

Event Information
Event Date 09-27-2024 11:00 am
Event End Date 09-28-2024 6:00 pm
Cut Off Date 09-27-2024
Late Fee $20.00 (From 09-26-2024 00:00)
Location Warwick Hotel Rittenhouse Square

Location Map


Contact Information

Office Hours

Mon - Thu: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sat - Sun: Closed