Our coding and compliance affiliates - TOPS - Dr Mark Davini and Paul Andrews will be in attendance teaching classes and consulting with you in person at this important conference
From this conference you will walk away with:
- Establishing the most cost effective care plans for initial, corrective and wellness care that advance longevity of patient care
- Finding monies from the services you are providing
- Assessing your current fees, admin savings and overhead/office visits
Classes will be on:
CAs step by step process to care plan creation and ongoing review of care plans at re-eams and anniversary reviews
Training on all stages of care plans- from initial care- and reducing people not accepting care to corrective care and wellness care that highlights the cost savings of multiple years of care
Auditing your financial house to get the highest payment for the services you are providing
Assessing self pay vs. 3rd party portions of your practice and how to optimize both
Coding for optimal payments
To book room reservations: Call 313-962-2323 or 800-962-2424 and reference the "TLC Superteams Block"
Investment: Guests: $660 per person / TLC Members: $560 per person (includes 3 meals)
(9% per person late fee after September 26, 2025)
Deposit payment available for TLC Members: A non-refundable deposit payment of 20% is available for this event. Please choose "Deposit Payment" under "Payment Type" when registering.