Leadership Camp - Pennsylvania
From this conference you will walk away with:
  1. Setting achievable goals for every aspect of your practice and lives
  2. Assessment of your life cycle in practice and what are the most urgent needs of your practice
  3. Creating the most innovative, creative and collaborative team at the practice and at home for optimal growth
Classes will be on:
Goal setting- from the vision to the logistical details for growth
Becoming a needs detector for your life and practice- recognize needs, ask for needs to be met and circle back and assess needs
 Journaling your life and storyboarding your practice now and in the future
Shutting the file drawers in your life to streamline your energies on the highest productive actions
Investment: Guests: $660 per person / TLC Members: $560 per person (includes 3 meals)
(9% per person late fee after October 31, 2025)
Deposit payment available for TLC Members: A non-refundable deposit payment of 20% is available for this event. Please choose "Deposit Payment" under "Payment Type" when registering.

Leadership Camp - Pennsylvania

Event Information
Event Date 11-14-2025 2:30 pm
Event End Date 11-15-2025 5:00 pm
Cut Off Date 11-14-2025
Late Fee 9.00% (From 11-01-2025 00:00)
Location Normandy Farm Hotel and Conference Center